30 percent of nation's 25 million small businesses are not ready

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Thursday December 30, 1999 06:15 PM

Some Small Businesses Take Chances With Non-Compliant Computers

FAYETTEVILLE (WRAL) -- Some people have been Y2K ready for months, and others are waiting until the last minute. Many business owners are rushing to get their computers tuned up for the new year.

With the clock ticking, some small businesses are still preparing. Others say they will roll the dice and take their chances with a non-compliant computer.

At Cape Fear Cardiology, the scheduling and billing computers have been Y2K ready for over a year.

For months, they planned to "wing it" with computers used for transcription.

"I thought, 'Well they type in dates, why can't they just type in new dates?' but it doesn't work that way they tell me," said Peggy Brock, office administrator.

Finally last month, Brock consulted Netcom Information Systems. The company was just able to make the computers Y2K compliant.

"We're finishing up on the ones on the end of the list and giving them what they need. For a lot of folks, it's going to be too late," said Stephen Jelinek, network engineer.

There are many procrastinators. The Small Business Administration says 30 percent of the nation's 25 million small businesses are not ready.

"I'm taking a wait and see attitude," said computer store owner Nick Weekes.

Weekes has not done a thing to fix his mainframes.

He and his employees have been too busy servicing everyone else's computers and selling Y2K kits. They plan to take their chances now and repair any problems later.

"I guess its goes back to the adage, the shoemaker has the worst shoes. I'm so busy upgrading everybody else," said Weekes.

The Small Business Administration has set up a Y2K hotline to help owners through any problems. The toll free number is 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

It will be open through the weekend. Loans are also available to help upgrade non-compliant computers

-- Old Git (anon@spamproblems.com), December 30, 1999



Not the one million thta Kosky keeps lying about.

How can we not have just massive problems? The shock factor that their, PCs, data and software are history will debilitate many.

-- PJC (paulchri@msn.com), December 30, 1999.

OG... I also owe you an apology. Last night on the board I was questioning your identity because you could not repeat to me a secret I thought we shared. Your evident frustration with your inability to remember that secret was misplaced. It was not you but I who did not remember. RUOK is the one who shared the secret. You did not know that I have PTSD. To you gracious lady, my most humble...


-- Michael Erskine (osiris@urbanna.net), December 30, 1999.

I think a touch more the "many". It pretty much doesn't much matter what causes the "work flow" to stop in any organization. Be it problems from venders unable to get you needed supplies, customers unable to accept expected deliveries of finished product, or whatever.

Disruptions are going to be the norm, not the exception. I pray we all have the patience and witherall to get thru what I anticipate. Frankly, I'd love and wish (aka..pray) to be wrong.

-- Michael (michaelteever@buffalo.com), December 30, 1999.

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