Who's your hero?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Novenotes : One Thread |
Who's your hero---and why?--Al
-- Al Schroeder (al.schroeder@nashville.com), December 27, 1999
this simple question demands a complex, complicated answer - - - but i don't have all my heroes in my mind. first - every woman who is a mother and tried her level best to raise and protect her chidren. next - every father who used his ingenuity and sweat to support and encourage his family - - stuck by them all the way. and after that i would have to go to the history books to prepare a list of my heroes - beginning with the christian martyrs.
-- ici jongleur (ionoi@webtv.net), December 28, 1999.
As far as journal keeping webmasters, you are one of my heroes. Your site is great, and you are consistent with your continuous uploading of interesting entries.I need to get busy and strive to be more like you with my place on the Internet.
-- Zoomer--ALIVE AT FORTY-FIVE!--http://members.xoom.com/fortyfiver/aliveat45.htm (fortyfiver@yahoo.com), December 28, 1999.
tough question, Al. all the good ones are, I suppose. as for who my hero is...I would have to say my high school counselor. When I was 15, my parents divorced. It was a horrible experience....one that I was unfortunately made to mediate at an age that I was woefully unprepared. Out of all the teachers in my school, she was the ONLY one to call me in and address the radical change in attitude and performance I was experiencing. She cared. She reached out.She loved.
You know...think I need to find that woman. Never did properly thank her.
-- Bob Beltran (kelly-bob@excite.com), December 29, 1999.