Pimp Yourself!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Piper'sPages : One Thread |
Come on, let me know where you guys' journals/webpages are! I wanna visit! Free pimps for all!
-- Piper (piperdane@yahoo.com), December 27, 1999
I didn't mention this, but use HTML tags if you want. If you forget to or aren't sure how, just type the address. I'll edit it and add the HTML so it's a link. ;) I'm nice like that.
-- Piper (piperdane@yahoo.com), January 06, 2000.
-- honeycat (honey_cat@gurlmail.com), December 31, 1999.
http://www.freeyellow.com/members5/lyzi There's a journal on there somewhere. Be warned, it's really angry!
-- Elizabeth (lyzi@prodigy.net), January 04, 2000.
Okay, how can I resist an offer like this... my webpage (which does contain a journal) can be found at: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/6820/index.htmlThanks.
-- Jim (jimlawrence@hotmail.com), January 05, 2000.
Uh, guess that would have worked better if I had actually put the html tags in... http://www.geocit ies.com/SoHo/6820/index.html
-- Jim (jimlawrence@hotmail.com), January 05, 2000.
containing a journal, pix and haikus.
-- ann (midgeworld@hotmail.com), January 05, 2000.
You made me an offer I couldn't refuse. *smile* Anonymously Yours
Jane Doe http://www.crosswinds.net/~anonyours
-- Jane Doe (yours-anonymously@usa.net), January 06, 2000.
Some offers are meant to be accepted....
-- kW (Wishjrnl@aol.com), January 06, 2000.
of course a URL might help... http://www.angelfire.com/ma2/wishing
-- kW (Wishjrnl@aol.com), January 06, 2000.
-- L (lilaclorax@yahoo.com), January 06, 2000.
-- Sonora (sonorawj@yahoo.com), January 07, 2000.
Hey everyone!! I have a new page up which depends on YOUR SUBMISSIONS for its success... Come and see!! Again
-- ~joi~ (vincynt@orangeminds.com), January 08, 2000.
Cool! I just started an online journal last week, and it can be found at: www.members.tripod.com/PunkyChica
-- Sondra (sondrac@usa.net), January 10, 2000.
Me, too! ;)I found you thru Pamie's boards... this was your idea first, she ripped you off! heheheh
-- stasi (stasi@sweetpeas.org), January 17, 2000.
this is the second time today i've pimped my journal/website. i feel so cheap and dirty: self- portrait. or you can go to summer-girl.net, if you want. cheers! hez
-- hez (lmjaliashez42@hotmail.com), January 18, 2000.
Okay, so I've installed a counter and I'm feeling like nobody loves us.He Said, She Said is a daily-life journal from two distinct perspectives. Give it a look, K?
-- Jason Packer (jason_packer@softhome.net), January 21, 2000.
woo haa... i just love this idea. but that's cos i'm british and twisted. anyway my journal, called heute (cos i have some weird german thing going on) resides, um, there... so like, check me out, send me some mail, and we'll all live happily ever after...
-- will w. (a_pok_lips@hotmail.com), January 21, 2000.
Well, Piper, how could I resist seeing as how I am pimping myself already on Parallel Deviations...I'll let everyone else know they too can visit me at The Journal Of Insanity
-- Cat (ladyluck23@crosswinds.net), January 31, 2000.
Ever since the birth of my two kids, I have had the reoccuring (yet unfounded) fear of dying while they are young. This journal is my gift to them....www.geocities.com/and_if_I_die/index.html
Oh look...another opportunity to learn something new! OK, how do you make the address into a link???
-- Bob (and_if_I_die@hotmail.com), February 01, 2000.
you can't beat a free pimp, now can you? wait, that doesn't sound very good ...http://www.execpc.com/~eklister
-- Eric, pimp for all that is good (eklister@execpc.com), February 29, 2000.
Okay... here it comes: http://my-socalled-life/tripod.com.
Sorry about the not working Email. Really don't want that...
-- Someone Passing By... (sorry@no.way), March 14, 2000.
My journal, BitterSweets is about my everyday life, my introspections and my humble opinions. Very down to earth.http://members.aol.com/r5809245637/journal.html
Come by for a visit!
-- Jade Green (r5809245637@aol.com), March 21, 2000.
Woo-hoo! I'm a pimping whore! (wait... that doesn't make sense, does it?)http://www.crosswinds.net/~innerarch
-- Carol (innerarch@yahoo.com), March 24, 2000.
Nice site. Go visit me at Seven Thirteen.Rachel
-- Rachel (rachel@seventhirteen.com), March 30, 2000.
Selfish, selfish people. Visit me: Chaos Theories.
-- Jen (invisiblegirl@kittymail.com), April 04, 2000.
How about really overdoing it?Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
>Click here now to get a new window with a grand site!!!
-- Someone Passing By... (Sorry@no.way), April 06, 2000.