Beet pulp : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

My daughter is into horses and she keeps a 50 pound bag of beet pulp in the garage. Apparently, beet pulp is supposed to fatten horses up.

Does anyone know if this is safe for human consumption? Anyone know how beet pulp tastes?

-- Ralph Shnelvar (, December 26, 1999


Sure its safe to eat...but its not real BEETS, AS IN THOSE RED THINGS WE BUY IN CANS AND GROW IN GARDENS. Beet pulp is the pulp left over from the sugar beets when they go through the refinery. They put weight on as there are a lot of sweet calories in them. They are also called mangals or mangles, can't remember spelling. Really, not a whole lot of nutrition left over after they have been refined. Look at the tag on the bag for contents such as protein, etc. Then go and buy a bag of soy beans.


-- Taz (, December 26, 1999.


They are real beets. But you are right they aren't like garden beets. Everything else you said, I agree with.

Best wishes,,,

-- Z1X4Y7 (, December 26, 1999.

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