Comanche Peak Y2K Concerns, front page Waco : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Gosh, day after Christmas and what do you know? The big story on the front page of our paper is all about Y2K concerns regarding the Comanche Peak nuclear power plants.I have been researching this myself and noted with concern that TXU lists their business and administrative software as "Y2K Compliant." Yet they list their Comanche Peak I and II plants as "Y2K Ready." Their choice of words, not mine.
I am link challenged but here is the url to the Waco Tribune Herald article.
-- mommacarestx (, December 26, 1999
Gawd. Another one of those browser-choking URLs. This might be easier:Hotlink
-- I'm Here, I'm There (I'm Everywhere@so.beware), December 26, 1999.
So the only concerns were by some family who lives near the plant, and some anti-nuke group. I've just gone from being a 9.7 to a 9.8. I might 'get it' yet.
-- Butt Nugget (, December 26, 1999.
"Y2K readiness means only that utilities know how to keep plants running in the event of a system failure, not that all computer programs will work properly."-Not very comforting!
-- (, December 26, 1999.
When you can see the containment buildings and 75% of your family lives near you, you will worry.
-- Neil G.Lewis (, December 27, 1999.