Where is everyone?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Casey Affleck : One Thread

I have been stuck home w/ nothing to do since all of my friends are outta town. Argh!!!!!! I would just like to know where the hell is everyone?! I have nothing to do but drink alcoholic eggnog and go to local crap concerts! Well, Merry Christmas, Happy belated Chanukka, and happy Kwanza (even though I'm not religious) I hope everyone is joyous! (more so than me)Buckle up, don't drink and drive, stay in your bomb shelter, take your pills, and Peace out

With love, Naia

-- Naia (SuperOrbiter@aol.com), December 24, 1999


I just realyzed that i am responding (if you can call it that) to a post from christmas. bah humbug.

-- Sassy (poopdog@munchies.com), June 26, 2000.

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