One real life experiance at the Dept of Motor Vehicles : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I reluctantly took my teenage daughter to get her drivers temp packet yesterday. The sign on the door said computers were down for some of the functions. We took our chances and the clerk said we were lucky the system was up this moment. She said they were testing their new systems and everything is going crazy! But as we all know folks everythings fine! Just a little tidbit from Ohio.

-- Itol D. Youso (, December 22, 1999


I'm in NJ and my cars registration is not due to be renewed until APRIL. I just got the renewal notice/paperwork TODAY. Normally, it doesn't show up until the month prior to expiration. I guess someone isn't feeling too confident about the DMV...


-- TECH32 (TECH32@NOMAIL.COM), December 22, 1999.

Instead of the usual photo, eye test, etc. at our DMV, they sent us a card to fill out and staple to expired drivers license. That never happened before.

-- (, December 22, 1999.

Well kewl...since I can't pass the eye test....I'll just wait till after the rollover and go get a license...worse to worse, I'll drive without. Not like they are going to be real concerbed after TSHTF. [Oh, BTW...I'm a better driver with my eyesite messed up than I ever was before...been riding a motorcycle for 5 years now. ;) ]

-- Satanta (, December 22, 1999.

<<. She said they were testing their new systems and everything is going crazy! ....>>

Testing new systems? This late?

-- Robert A Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, December 23, 1999.

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