Map of 3 U.S. Regional Electric Grids? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
I've lost my link to the map of the three U.S. Regional Grids...East, West and ERCOT? (Texas.)A search of the archives have yeilded lost o' maps, but not this one.
Could someone please oblige?
-- lostlink (, December 22, 1999 (note that you will need the adobe reader for this one)
There is also a map of the NERC Regional Councils at:
-- Nom (nom@de.plume), December 22, 1999.
Thanks anyway, but I belive you're confusing the NERC regions with grid sections. My understanding is that there are 3 primary grid divisions. Does anyone have a map that shows 3 divisions (not the NERC regions?)
-- lostlink (, December 22, 1999.
Ahh Nom--I see it on the Yardeni site. The eastern, western and ERCOT divisions ARE labled...just hard to see because the map is busted up into NERC regions. There's a clearer map somewhere I know...
-- lostlink (, December 22, 1999.
The EIA maps are the best, and has what you're looking for. There's more than one map embedded in the EIA document link above.
-- Nom (nom@de.plume), December 22, 1999.
-- Gary S. (, December 22, 1999.
Gary S.Thanks. That's very good.
-- lostlink (, December 22, 1999.