Looking for FlashPix Database product for Int'l non-profit orggreenspun.com : LUSENET : FlashPix Format : One Thread |
I work for an international medical/disaster relief organization in Connecticut. We are attempting to create a digital photo library to be viewed and accessed by our staff and our donors on the internet. I am looking for a free (if there is such a word) product that we can use to create a .fpx digital library. Are there any out there, and are there better products that are worth the cost of the software? We also have a cd burner and can create websites with Frontpage, Dreamweaver, and or HTML.A "Pie-in-the-Sky" brainstorm was to have all the photos available from an intranet/internet application.
Thank you for your help
Chris Chiaia
-- Chris Chiaia (cchiaia@americares.org), December 21, 1999