We've been without water for about 8 hours now...greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
We lost our water about 8 hours ago, due to a "service repair". Not widespread, because not being reported on the news, but it's made me realize how much I depend on turning on the tap, flushing, cleaning, etc.The good news is that the water I treated and stored 8 months ago tastes excellent.
Roland, who may be wearing a baseball cap to work tomorrow.
-- Roland (notteling@nowhere.com), December 20, 1999
Roland, where do you live? IN a major City?
-- JoseMiami (caris@prodigy.net), December 20, 1999.
Roland--Great badnews-goodnews post, thanks. Which set of variables for water storage did you use? Containers, disinfectant recipe, etc.
Thanks in advance
-- Michael (mikeymac@uswest.net), December 20, 1999.
Ro-dude, watchcaps work mo better, you can keep pulling'em down as the day progresses.Kook
-- Y2Kook (y2kook@usa.net), December 20, 1999.
Roland, I am LOL, because my hubby has oily hair, looks like a boiled owl in a.m., before shampoo. I am still cackling!!!!!
-- Witness (badhair@day.com), December 20, 1999.
Roland,Sure is a good feeling when your prepared.
That's the Boy Scout motto :-}
-- spider (spider0@usa.net), December 20, 1999.
A prep of mine this week - to go and get a *very* short haircut - likely just getting a crewcut (currently 3-4" long.) Have to do some work on the rollover weekend (in IT) and I won't have to be concerned about washing my hair with a questionable water supply. Just converted back to a razor from a number of years using an electric shaver. Interesting what types of preps go through your mind at this stage...
-- Ford Prefect (bring@your.towel), December 20, 1999.
Roland, I have water stored that's almost 2 years old. I check my water every so often for leakage. I took out a jug that was dated 2/97, took a drink out of it and it tasted just fine. However, before I drink the water, I'll treat the gallon jug with another six drops of bleach. My water has been stored in a cool dark place from the beginning.
-- bardou (bardou@baloney.com), December 20, 1999.
On a submarine when the water system that converts seawater to clean water was hosed the guys in engineering were the only ones who were cleaned. No showers just lots of sampling going on, to get a good sample got to flush the pipes... might as well put my head under there... hee hee. Hey just say you are going grunge after seeing Seattle protests over NWO.You can shower in a bucket if you need to. Also on a more serious note if there are problems with water you need to use water as many times as possible the last thin as flush water (assuming no off grid well and septic).
-- Squid (ItsDark@down.here), December 21, 1999.
It's Tuesday AM in Charlotte, NC and I just got out of a hot shower. Thank God! This little episode has probably been a blessing in disgise...really got me thinking about water usage, from a realistic perspective.I'v treated my water the same way Bardou does. 6 drops of bleach per gallon, stored in a dark environment.
Gonna have a big glass of ice water along with my coffee... :0)
-- Roland (nottelling@nowhere.com), December 21, 1999.
Ford Prefect (got towels, BTW?)That's funny, my y2k prep regarding hair, was just the opposite. You must live in a warm winter area. It gets a little chilly where I live, so I'm lettin it grow.
Dirty oily hair is even better for holding in heat. Survival is not always pretty, and it tends to itch, at times......
-- Bokonon (bok0non@my-Deja.com), December 21, 1999.