Not a Rumor: Boron will experience problems : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

First, I'm more Polly than Doomer, so take this FWIW:

Friend owns a small Boron gas station. Has already been informed that Boron will likely (80-90% certain) experience transmission/distribution problems. Friend has been informed that Boron will focus on supplying its superstores, i.e., if there is a shortage, he will be last on list for resupply.

Friend's name is Charlie. He owns a Boron gas station in Glenshaw / Shaler, PA (near Pittsburgh).

-- Freethinkr (, December 20, 1999


But, the pollies said that this wouldn't happen. Anyway a small business here and a small business here, what difference does it make? They don't add up to large numbers. The large companies are compliant and that's pretty much all we need. They can supply themselves. They're big and they wouldn't let anything bad happen.

This is sarcasm. Just thinking what a polly's response would be.

-- Larry (, December 20, 1999.

boron wont be alone the last week of Dec. when we do the national top off dance. Where's that friggin gas truck??

-- d----- (, December 20, 1999.

Gimme a break folks ! A friend owns a little gas station in PA and has been told that there will be delivery problems. That smacks of a conspiracy to me! Sheesh, I am going to have to go over all of my appliances and see if anything has the capacity to kill me because it doesn't know what day it is. I am going to check my tractor, and see if the mechanical odometer (measuring hours) will have problems. In Fact:

Should I leave my tractor in the barn on Jan 1, or should I continue to use it that day as usual?


-- Frank McGraw (, December 21, 1999.

If you choose to use on January 1-2-3-4...

recognize the fact that the gas you burn those days "might not" be replaced easily IF there are oil delivery/shipping/refining/distribution/payment/supplying/purchasing what you burn is lost forever. Not saying there will be problems - this guy, however, HAS BEEN told there will be likely be delivery problems to at least one shop in one area.

Will you have gas in your area? Maybe yes. Maybe no.

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, December 21, 1999.

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