Grid test on the 26th? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

A friend participating in another forum ( just sent this to me...can anyone confirm or deny?

It eludes to a grid-test for the 26th...which may explain why we're hearing reports of the .mil folks being on Red Alert as of the 28th. If these grid tests do indeed occur and if they fail miserably, we'll need some peace keeping ready and waiting in the wings.

================ I have been quite busy working with the local Red Cross these past weeks as they prepare for the year 2000, filling containers with food, water, and warm clothing I have been told that a week from tomorrow,(that's the 26th of Dec.) there is going to be a major SHUT-DOWN of power plants across the U.S. AS they come back on line to the grid ( if they can ) there will be POWER SURGES in many areas. You would be advised to UN-PLUG all computer/internet units / tv/stereo, AC powered Ham radios, and anything else that could be harmed by power surges in your home or work place. Everyone should have back-up lighting/heating units close at hand. I don't think you are going to get this warning from the news media as it has been a word of mouth policy so as not to panic. Hope this is helpful to all of my list buddies. ====================================================== More on the grid test in response to a question ----------

It is a nation wide test which will determine which power plants are still running, and which are not, in an area where a plant failed the power from another plant will be sent along the grid to that failed area, which will cause the black-out/brown-out, and the power surge to the area which will then provide low power from the plants in operation along the grid to the plant/plants that cannot produce on thier own. (like robbing peter to pay paul ) as I stated months ago it will be a quick-fix patch. As for the timing, of all Y2K related failures, power is #1 priority and the need to know before Jan.1 2000 so that FEMA/LOCAL/ GOVT. will have a few days to prepare NOTIFICATION. Need I say more?

(Author's email address deleted as a courtesy)

-- LunaC (, December 20, 1999


The test...if it does occur will not ferret out any of the embeded chips. They have their own RTC. And this test ain't a goin to find her boys! But more power to them (pun intended).


-- Shakey (in_a_bunker@forty.feet), December 20, 1999.

this is a total one is going to shut down all the power plants on the 26th...come on people, think!! why ...why... it wouldn't prove anything and it would cause major lawsuits against the power companies...whoever posted this should get there head out of their arse!......

-- this is a LIE (......@.....), December 20, 1999.

Why you ask?

Well there could be several senerios which would lend credence to it.

If you were playing a hand you could not possibly win, and the stakes (real or perceived) were high enough, you may want to create a first strike, end around, to gain critical and tactical advantage.....

or if..

You knew your opponent was attempting the same ploy, you might be prepared for a sudden death show down

or if...

You had decided to capture the momentum of a known force, you would use the movement of the force as an asset to deflect the impact of it, and not only gain advantage of control at onset, but be able to redirect it for your own purposes.

or ...????

We've been hearing for a long time now, that Y2K is not a technical problem, but a management problem (read unmanageable) Maybe we should have seen it coming. Personally, I believe it is both, and much, much more.



"The flames of technology burn at one end, and the flames of human nature burn at the other..."

-- Michael (, December 20, 1999.

It's completely bogus. No way would all power plants in the US be shut down at the same time, or even successively.

-- The Engineer (The, December 20, 1999.


I'm on a self-imposed mission to track this issue down as soon as possible...could you possibly give me more info. ? I searched but had no success since it is such a huge website.

If this is true, or even partially true, I need to finish my preps by this Saturday ! Thanks for any help you can offer. Brian

-- BrianL (, December 21, 1999.

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