rabbits (how to tell a buck's age)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Someone informed me that the length of a bucks claws tells his age. they also said that long claws means that the buck is too old to breed. Is this so?

-- Colleen Shew (css@shawneelink.com), December 17, 1999


Response to rabbits

Length of teeth maybe, claws no. Theie claws grow like our nails. The floor surface they have to walk on has a lot to do with the length of their claws. If they have a surface that will wear the claw down it will be shorter...and not tell the age. It is a good practice to clip their nails. this is easily done with a cat/dog nail cliper. clipping their claws help both you and the rabbit. shorter claws will not get caught in the cage and you will suffer fewer scratches when you handle them Grant

-- Grant Eversoll (organicgrange@yahoo.com), December 18, 1999.

Response to rabbits

Bucks can stay virle all there lives , My angora buck ted produced a litter when he was eight.Although litter size may dicline. I think it just depends on the individule.

-- kathy h (saddlebronc@msn.com), December 18, 1999.

Response to rabbits

A rabbit should never have long nails or teeth. Long teeth are almost always a genetic defect and should be culled, never bred. Long nails can result in snags and broken bones (my new buck did that right after I got him). Age is largely undeterminable. Find a reputable breeder to buy from and keep good records.

-- Carmen Carrion (revfrank@psln.com), January 01, 2000.

no this is not true!!!!!!!!! the nails should be cut if they are long but it does not tell the age. We are not quite sure how to tell the age but know this is not true!

-- MB (minilopmb@aol.com), February 10, 2001.

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