Southern Equipment to A&D Rwy : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

Looking for road numbers of Southern rolling stock transfered/sold to the Atlantic & Danville Rwy in 1949. This would include 4 Flats, 58 wooden 36' Boxcars, and 68 woodracks that became A&D at the expiration of the Southern lease. Thank you!

-- Russell Underwood (JAY611@ home .com), December 14, 1999


Russell - The A&D recieved the following freight cars from the SR in 1949: wood boxcars with steel frame, 37ft5in, #500-557, steel frame flatcars, 40ft11in, #800-803, pulp rack, 37ft5in, #1000-1067, and SR wood cabooses #X-110 to X-108 (ex-SR numbers ranged from X-1796 to X-2708). Lengths given are outside. This information derived from book THE ATLANTIC & DANVILLE RAILWAY CO. by William E. Griffin, Jr., privately published in/& (c)1987. Hope this is what you need. Tom

-- Tom Underwood (, January 30, 2000.

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