Banks As Ready as They Say? : LUSENET : HumptyDumptyY2K : One Thread

Fifth / Third bank (approx the 35th largest bank in the country) has recently sent out 5000 - 6000 notices to its safebox customers with January 10, 1900 dates on them.... not too big of a deal you might think until you remember that banks have been CONSISTENTLY telling us that they were ahead of the curve and there would be no problems. if something this basic slipped past their "thorough testing" what did they miss? Even though this can be easily verified by talking to their Y2K coordinator, the media that i've spoken with seem quite standoff-ish about the whole issue..... wouldn't want a panic I guess.

-- Willie Beard (, December 14, 1999


On the news last night they said a few of the local banks would be opening January 1st to prove nothing was wron. The big banks weren't playing along

-- Jamie (, December 14, 1999.

A friend told me the other day that he had gone to the bank last Thursday. He was unable to do any business because the bank had done a test and the computer crashed. None of the branches could do any business for about 3 hours. I called the bank to ask about the event. The "service person" said that she knew nothing, but that things go down all the time loclly.

Thhe "ignorance" is not surprising. this Spring the local paper reported that the bank's online banking had been down for six months after a software upgrade. When I called the bank with the article in my hand, they knew nothing.

I'll be taking cash out next week.

-- John Littmann (JTL9700@JUNO.COM), December 17, 1999.

A friend told me the other day that he had gone to the bank last Thursday. He was unable to do any business because the bank had done a test and the computer crashed. None of the branches could do any business for about 3 hours. I called the bank to ask about the event. The "service person" said that she knew nothing, but that things go down all the time loclly.

The "ignorance" is not surprising. This Spring the local paper reported that the bank's online banking had been down for six months after a software upgrade. When I called the bank with the article in my hand, they knew nothing.

I'll be taking cash out next week.

-- John Littmann (JTL9700@JUNO.COM), December 17, 1999.

Next week? Cutting it close????????

-- (, December 18, 1999.

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