Nuclear power plant malfunctions in the Ukraine (Zaporizhia power plant) : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


Monday, December 13, 1999

Nuclear power plant malfunctions in the Ukraine

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) -- A reactor at Ukraine's Zaporizhia nuclear power plant malfunctioned and was shut down for repairs, officials said Monday.

The problem occurred Sunday in equipment that maintains equal pressure in the No. 1 reactor's cooling system, said the state nuclear energy company Energoatom. Operators shut down the reactor immediately after detecting the problem.

No radiation leaks were reported and the reactor was expected to restart by Wednesday, Energoatom said.

The malfunction came a day after the reactor had passed a safety test.

Nine out of 14 reactors at Ukraine's five nuclear power plants are currently operational. Overall, about 40 percent of the country's electricity comes from its nuclear power plants.

-- Homer Beanfang (, December 13, 1999


Homer, blessings upon you!!

Thank you for your valuable posts. Its slim pickins' out there with all the Trolling going on. Time is such a valuable commodity, especially at this late date. Mine is never wasted on your posts.

-- grateful (, December 13, 1999.

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