(Reuters) "Israeli Nuclear Reactor to Shut Down for New Year"

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


-- Linkmeister (link@librarian.edu), December 13, 1999


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Monday December 13 6:19 AM ET

Israeli Nuclear Reactor to Shut Down for New Year

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's top secret Dimona nuclear reactor in the Negev desert is to shut down for two days over the New Year to avoid possible Y2K glitches, the Yedioth Ahronoth daily reported Monday.

It said the reactor, which Israel has kept off limits to international nuclear inspectors, would shut for two days starting on New Year's Eve.

Israeli officials were unavailable for comment.

The newspaper quoted an official from the country's Atomic Energy Committee as saying: ``The citizens of Israel have nothing to worry about. The reactors in Dimona and Soreq have been made Y2K compliant.''

Mordechai Vanunu, a former technician at Dimona, is currently serving an 18-year sentence for espionage after he told Britain's Sunday Times in 1986 that Israel had built more than 200 atomic bombs at the site.


-- Linkmeister (link@librarian.edu), December 13, 1999.

I've expected to see more nuclear plant shutdowns in the US and internationally. Where else have we seen nuc plant shutdown announcements? I can't think of any.

-- Downstreamer (downstream@bigfoot.com), December 13, 1999.

I have family in florida,and have heard of them shutting down a plant inthe tampa area.although I have not seen anything official.

-- eric micael (bizarr4@hotmail.com), December 13, 1999.

I'm surprised anyone has announced it. It's way to much for Joe Sixpack to worry about. Far better to just turn them off at the last minute, you know, just in case. Not that they're unsafe, blah blah blah.

-- Servant (public_service@yahoo.com), December 13, 1999.

How do you shut down a Nuclear power pland down for "2 days" !!!

-- Andre Coltrin (andre@caselaw.com), December 13, 1999.

How do you shut down a Nuclear power plant down for "2 days" !!!

-- Andre Coltrin (andre@caselaw.com), December 13, 1999.

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