Update Your MAC software for Y2K readinessgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
For Mac owners, here's a good link to check: http://www.macdirectory.com/8995/
-- walt (longyear@shentel.net), December 13, 1999
This looks like an ad.If you've got better sense than cents, try going to www.versiontracker.com and searching on 'y2k' instead. Currently comes up with a number of countdown clocks, some updates, and 3 applications (freeware and shareware) to check for y2k problems.
Or use Sherlock, and look for more. Or check with the application manufacturer's website. Or get the tests available from Apple. Or.... you get the idea.
-- harl (harlanquin@aol.hell), December 13, 1999.