Check out how a very narrow minded person responded : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

Check out how a very narrow minded person responded to the advertisement of my new website ( on this board.

"Friend ( responded to a message you left in the Shooting DV Films bboard:

Subject: Response to website for a new DV feature

yeah uh, I just got back from that website... and uh.. that movie looks like shit. Let me remind you that no gays are allowed on this message board. that movie looks about as interesting as the shit in my pants."

-- Maia Akiva (, December 11, 1999



Let me guess, his name was Jonathen Jaylor, right? I got a nasty, small minded response to a post of mine on this board as well. Sounds like the same loser. Anyway, I checked out your site and thought your film sounded pretty interesting. I wish you the best of luck!

-- J.C. August (, December 13, 1999.

I agree with Jonathen Jaylor on both issues. No gays are allowed on this message board, and he was right about your shitty movie looking like shit. Thats what happens when you're limited by talent and ability.

-- Sam Ranchestar (, December 29, 1999.

I checked it out, it looks good to me. Just because something is about things other than your own life doesn't mean they aren't good.

And frankly, I think the fact that you, "Sam", know so much about having no talent is indicative of your ability and level of professionalism.


-- Vadal (, January 01, 2000.

Come on, guys. Life's too short for this crap.

-- Nick Hanson (, January 04, 2000.

I think the stuff looks somewhat cheap for two reasons: 1) the actors look like regular people not someone who could be in a movie

2) they are sloppy!! get them some nice clothes. and one of the girls needs to lose some pounds...

Apart from this I don't see anything wrong with it, I hope you have a good plot, and let us know when you get some clips online...

-- cv (, March 05, 2000.


The movie looks like it will be great! Hope I get a chance to see it down here in the culturally deprived bible belt...;)

-- Christen (, March 07, 2000.


I think everything looks wonderful based on what I see on your website. If you're ever shooting a DV feature in the states and you're near Indiana I'd be more than happy to donate all my services as a 9-year Steadicam JR professional. Your movie sounds exciting and best of luck to you. I'm shooting one this summer and I'm really pumped up for it. Cheers!

John Brune

-- John Brune (, March 14, 2000.

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