cayenne : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I think I remeber seeing a article that gave a common kichen remedy to completly get rid of the burning sensation in your mouth when eating cayenne pepper, but I can't find it. Does anyone know what it was?

-- Sean Cox (, December 10, 1999


The classic remedy is dairy products. Milk works best, I think, but any dairy product will do. That is supposedly why sour cream is used so much in Mexican cooking.

-- A. C. Green (, December 13, 1999.

The chemical in hot peppers that gives them their burn is more soluble in fat or alochol than it is in water. Any dairy product with a high fat content will help to mellow out the heat. Real sour cream, butter, many kinds of cheese will do the job.

Or you could just have a beer.


The Prudent Food Storage FAQ, v3.5

-- A.T. Hagan (, December 13, 1999.

I learned years ago in a tex-mex cooking class that the best way to remove the burning sensation is a spoonful of sugar ( just like in the song). Sugar also works if you make a dish too spicey hot, just keep adding sugar until you get the level back down to the level of hot you like.

-- diane greene (, December 19, 1999.

Milk is best, but bread will help.

-- Cindy (, December 26, 1999.

The burn in peppers is oil based so use anything that will mix with oil to ease the burn. Banana works good.

-- Dean Clark (, December 31, 1999.

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