Electric utilities 60% complete, rest to finish June 2000, did YOU see this TV news clip?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
I friend of mine called me about a 2 minute TV news clip she saw on Monday, Dec. 6th on the evening news. She said it was on one of the three network stations, CBS, NBC, or ABC (station unknown).The person being interviewed (identity unkwown) made a statement saying that the electric utilities industry was only 60% complete with its Y2K remediation, and that the rest will finish between now and June 2000. The reporter doing the interview did not ask any questions about this extreme statement.
DID ANYONE SEE THIS TV NEWS CLIP? I did not see it, and I could not find any articles in the newspaper to confirm this information. I am trying to follow up on this statement, so if anyone here saw this, please let me know.
Thanks, Gail
-- Gail H. Byars (gailhbyars@softwaresmith.com), December 08, 1999
Didn't see it Gail.Just thinking, after the year they said they needed for testing, then that would put lights on June 2001. Factor in the "projects are always passed schedule", and where are we?...just thinkin' out loud.
-- Hokie (nn@va.com), December 08, 1999.
May I make a suggestion here? If you don't have the names, date, and the verifiable information and documentation, don't post this kind of stuff. It's heresay. Thank you.
-- ~~~~ (~~~@~~~.com), December 08, 1999.
To ~~~~ (~~~@~~~.com):In response to your suggestion...
I clearly stated the UNKNOWN parts of my question, they are marked "(unknown)", and I also made it clear that I was seeking confirmation of unconfirmed data obtained from a friend. I would not consider this spreading rumor or hearsay, rather this is a fact finding query.
Or perhaps you would not recognize that fact, since you are so forthcoming with information; what did you say your name was, ~~~~ (~~~@~~~.com) ??
-- Gail H. Byars (gailhbyars@softwaresmith.com), December 08, 1999.