GPU is not sure of their Y2K : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
I waited a day to post this, but the article still isn't on their website. Their site is Timesnews
Sunday, December 5, 1999
Erie Times-News Page 5B
Power Should Be On
GPU, which serves more than 2 million customers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, including about 107,000 people in Erie County, thinks is it Y2K compliant, said Dennis Morris, manager of area affairs for the utility.
"Now, realizing that with the vast number of pieces of equipment and software we're dealing with, we can't promise or guarantee anything. But we've done everything suggested by the industry," said Morris, GPU's Y2K spokesman in northwestern Pennsylvania.
...the utility has successfully completed national and internal drills of its systems and contingency plans, Morris said.
-- dangermouse (, December 06, 1999
Thanks DM. It's enough to make you weep.
-- Colin MacDonald (, December 07, 1999.
What national drill would that be? The NERC communications drill? That's the only one that I know of.Tick... Tock... <:00=
-- Sysman (, December 07, 1999.
This doesn't sound like it was orchestrated by a PR or law firm. How refreshing. Late, but better than never.Got conscience?
-- OR (, December 07, 1999.
It's on their site now
-- dangermouse (, December 07, 1999.