Need info on Seaboard's ownership of the Baltimore Steam Packet : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread |
I have been researching the history of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, also known as the Old Bay Line, for many years. I am currently preparing a book manuscript to be published jointly by the Steamship Historical Society of America and as yet undetermined commercial publisher. I am looking for information on the relationship between Seaboard and the Old Bay Line and would be grateful for any information on the whereabouts of Seaboard and Atlantic Coast Line records that would be available for research. I am also interested in learning what I can about a separate company created in 1922 called the Seaboard-Bay Line Company, headed by S. Davies Warfield.Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
John H. Shaum, Jr.
-- John H. Shaum, Jr. (, December 06, 1999
This is not really an answer, but if you're still checking this, I have an old paint-on-tin of the "State of Maryland" ship of the Old Bayline. I'm curious about the age and value of the piece and the history of the company myself.
-- Richard Dail (, April 14, 2002.
From the corporate records of CSX predecessor companies, I offer the following information on Baltimore Steam Packet Company ("BSPC")--Company was chartered on March 18, 1840, by Act of the Legislature of Maryland of 1839-1840 to exist for 20 years; existance extended by successive acts and made perpetual by Act passed in 1922, which Act gave the Company all rights under the general corporation laws of Maryland. For many years,, it operated as the Old Bay Line, carrying freight and passengers between points on Chesapeake Bay.
In 1941, all of the outstanding shares of BSPC (400 shares, $1,000 par value) were owned by Seaboard Air Line Railway Company ("SAL"). On June 14, 1941, the BSPC, Chesapeake Steamship Company of Baltimore City ("CSC"), the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company ("ACL"), Southern Railway Company and the receivers of the properties of the SAL entered into an Agreement wherein the BSPC acquired the properties, assets and business of the CSC. As part of this Agreement, 50%of the outstanding shares of the BSPC (or 200 shares) was assigned to CSC. This latter company also operated a steamship line in freight and passenger service on Chespeake Bay and its tributary streams and was owned by one-third by Southern Railway Company and two-thirds by ACL. On April 14, 1962, BSPC discontinued all operations. On May 25, 1962, the stockholders of BSPC adopted a plan of partial liquidation and 394 of the 400 shares of capital stock outstanding were redeemed and retired. BSPC was dissolved pursuant to Articles of Dissolution filed with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation of Maryland on June 6, 1973.
-- Patricia J. Aftoora, Vice President and Corporate Secretary, CSX Transportation, Inc. (, March 13, 2001.
The ACL & SAL HS has no records that would help. Possibly the CSX Law Department could assist. You have probably already been to the Mariner's Museum in Norfolk, but if not, I would certainly recommend them.
-- Larry Goolsby (, December 09, 1999.
I have not been able to ascertain the date of acquisition of the Baltimore Steam Packet Co. by the Seaboard Air Line. It pre-dates the formation of the Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. in 1900, and, according to "The Old Bay Line", by Alexander Crosby Brown, the affiliation with the Seaboard & Roanoke RR (a predecessor road) pre- dates the War Between the States. Brown fails to note a date, or year, of actual affiliation.According to Poor's Manual for 1925, the Seaboard-Bay Line Company was incorporated on February 6, 1922, for the purpose of making available to the SAL and BSPCo new and rebuilt equipment.
The company negotiated a loan of $4,400,000 from the US government and used the funds to build two new steamers for the BSPCo, 25 new locomotives and several thousand new and rebuilt rail cars for the SAL.
-- Robert H. Hanson (, December 08, 1999.