More fun and Information from a Network Friend : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Well, here we are, less than 30 days and it's been ages since I've created a topic for attack, uh, I mean of interest. I have a friend, we'll call here Ms. X, because god forbid the trolls (Flint) over-analyze and attack and accuse me of making up facts (well, he does). She is a network engineer, and suddenly, imagine this, after months of her company, based in South Florida, warning their clients to upgrade, they have over 150 upgrades to perform between Dec 1 and D-day. Hmmm, in her words, the new year is going to "suck". These 'clients' soon to be bankrupt in my opinion, waited until now to upgrade their networks? To test their software? If this is ANY indication, then all I have to do is chuckle and laugh. The pollys may be right in some quarters, but the failures are mounting. The VP of IS for Chase quit two weeks ago, but oh, that's just happenstance? Huh? There is a pattern here people. And as Xmas approaches, and the news gets gloomier (in the I.T. world, not the Polly/mainstream press), you will begin to feel the effects of this mindless stupidity personally. Enjoy the holidays. Have fun New Years Eve. Get Blind Drunk. But sober up Jan 3. Not because you're cold and without power (or as I, in FL, warm without power). Sober up, as Infomagic is one stupid decision away. The 80/20 rule still applies. Look at your co-workers in the non-I.T. community. 80% are morons, 20% make the company run. It is the same in the I.T. world. and 20% can never, ever,ever fix 100% of all problems if they happen at the same time.

Got Scotch? Hell, Got smokes?

John 9.5

-- John 9.5 Galt (, December 06, 1999


John, you're right, the falures are mounting. I am wondering what the hell happened to my insurance invoice which always arrives with iron efficiency on Nov. 25. Still no sign of it. Guess what, I don't give a damn! If I sent them my money, I would'nt get credit cause the morons would'nt have all their little numbers right, so screw em ! You better believe the one Y2k prep I have plenty of is the fruit of the vino, gonna need it no doubt.

-- doktorbob (, December 06, 1999.

Sorry to hear that about Chase...

Triage was never possible in Banking...just tell me the non mission critical system...foreign exchange?...checking?...Certificates of Deposit?...Federal Securities Dealer?...Asset and Liabilities Management?...Loans?...Trust Department?...Custodial?...Fedwire?...CHIPS?...Correspondent Banking?...Bond Trading???

Just tell me which of these systems gets put out to pasture.

January 3rd is going to be one for the record books.

-- Z (Z@Z.Z), December 06, 1999.

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