I FOUND A SUPER Y2K ORGANIC FOOD SOURCE!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread |
TIME IS GETTING SHORT!!! 3 WEEKS TO 2000!!! IS THERE STILL TIME TO PLACE A BULK FOOD ORDER? AND WHEN WOULD DELIVERY BE MADE??? Is thsi a question for the last minute supply check? I discovered a wonderful organic bulk food source location that solved my problems just listed. Not only did they have organic grains, nonhybrid garden seeds, sprouts seeds (all chemical free) but they also made available to us canned meats from the Ammish country and dried whole eggs! Along with dried butter and cheese! But here is the icing on the cake! - 72 hour shipping!!! I ordered from other companies putting cash up front and had to wait over three months for partial deliveries with additional backorders. Talk about scarry! And that was in February. When we discovered Pleasanthill Grains we were assured of 72 hour shipping out time for all that we needed! And for half the price of what we had ordered from other sources! Wish I knew about Pleasanthill Grains first. I urge you to check out this great organic food source location http://www.pleasanthillgrain.com (I know you will be pleased as we were with the products, prices, super fast shipping time and most of all the tenderloving care we received from the Pleasanthill Grain people. We have had the best experience with them and know you will too!!!
-- Tricia Mancini (TriciaM123@aol.com), December 06, 1999