Fuel???.greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread |
On the news a few days back, It was said that oil production could be cut to 20% of todays level. This is due to Y2K problems (embedded chips). IMO the oil companies are setting us up for the rip-off of two centuries!!. Don't be surprised if the prices are through the roof before Christmas, and a little of the 70s style controls. I think the anouncement was to ease the shock just a little, or at least they could say, "we told you so". The oil companies have as much conscience as Tyson, and Cargill, and other big food companies, and that is ZERO. You can watch the formentioned ones to create shortages of their own. Even if Y2K is a BITR, they will make it sound like more, just to rip off the public. They have paid through the nose to fix their computers, and if you haven't prepared, then its now your turn to do the same, to survive. Take care, HH. Ps. Who is our worst enemy BB, Big corps, or ourselves for leting it happen?. Food for thought, HH.
-- The Happy Hoarder (relief@coastalnet.com), December 06, 1999