Anymore Marathons or Video Tapes? : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

I just discovered Aeon Flux recently. I recall some episodes, I believe it was back in the summer on some cable station I was watching away from home. I don't have cable at home, but will get it. I bought 3 tapes, "Aeon Flux"-(this one is 2 hours long and doesn't have another title so I'm guessing it was the first one they made), "Mission Infinite", and "Operative Terminus." I understand that Aeon Flux has no regular series anymore. Does anyone know if there is a marathon scheduled? Also, are the tapes I mentioned the only ones out? Thanks in advance.

-- HJ (, December 05, 1999


unfortunate but true; the 3 tapes you mention contain all the Fon Flux ever produced ( excluding scenes that may have been cut from final broadcast versions ). the only other tapes i am aware of are a boxed set containing you're aforementioned tapes, and a 'best of Liquid Television' tape that includes 4 of the 2nd season shorts. thas it!

-- neobe 316 (, December 07, 1999.

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