IS 300: Noncompliant Information System, controls waste, oil, and food : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Ensuring That IS 300 ls Y2K-CompliantUp to 1990, more than 100 SICOMP R/M-based IS 300 information systems were delivered. Most of these information systems are installed in complex process control systems in the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, offshore, metal/mining and food industries, and in water and waste water plants. These information systems are used in conjunction with TELEPERM-M automation systems and SIMATIC S5 automation equipment.
Y2K Problems -
As of the year 2000, however, BEVI will display the date as an asterisk (*). The messages cannot be assigned to a date. This means that it is no longer possible to sort messages by date/time (month, day, etc.).
In the BVA storage location display, the appropriate periods of the binary signal change to be analyzed are displayed (date and time). As of the year 2000, the year is considered to be "incorrect" and is not accepted. The periods, therefore, cannot be evaluated with the storage location display.
In the DSS storage location display, it is possible to select the data to be displayed on the basis of date and time. However, as of the year 2000, the date is rejected because it is considered to be incorrect. This function can no longer be used to display the DSS storage locations.
As of the year 2000, when log outputs are triggered from the user interface, executable time modifications are rejected because they are considered to be "incorrect". This means that it is no longer possible to trigger log outputs manually.
Message frames that are output once at a specific time cannot be scheduled as of the year 2000. Any times that are entered by means of the "Message frame" function for a one-off message frame output are rejected as of the year 2000 because they are considered to be "implausible".
The configuring program can no longer be accessed. Consequently, it is not possible to define any new DSS procedure cycles, nor is it possible to change or delete existing procedure cycles.
-- John Ainsworth (, December 02, 1999
Sounds like she's ready to me. FUBAR here we come.
-- Gordon (, December 02, 1999.
Thorough article, great find! Link didn't give me a context though for these systems. If anyone could spit out a line or two for the non-techs, it would be appreciated.
-- Hokie (, December 03, 1999.
John,Several questions: "configuring program can no longer be accessed"...Why not? Also, knowing this, why would this equip/software not have been replaced.
I see accessments like this often and just wonder at this late stage of the game WHY?
If remediation has not been applied by now, we are in deep deep, deeper trouble than we really know. I find it hard to believe this system has been ignored.
-- Tommy Rogers (Been there@Just a, December 03, 1999.
Hmmm. Dredging up stuff from over a year ago?
-- Hoffmeister (, December 03, 1999.