Florida Power Outage nothing to Crow about -greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Oh what a tangled and fragile web we weave.... Batteries (Check) Flashlights (Check) Kero Heater (Check).....(For education purposes only)
Startled crows flee power line, cause outage News-Journal Wire Services 12-1-99
OKEECHOBEE - A flock of crows sprang from a ground wire and left nearly 2,000 homes without power, some all day.
The crows were perched Monday morning on a 1,500-foot wire over the Kissimmee River, and their weight caused the wire to bend.
When they flew away, the wire snapped upward like a giant bow string, struck a live wire, and shorted out.
A fisherman saw their flight and told Florida Power & Light workers what happened.
FPL called in 10 workers and a 142-foot crane, said Ed Henne, area operations manager. It was a tricky fix because under an environmental permit, the poles connecting the wires over the river must be 110 feet tall.
Power was soon restored to about 700 of the 1,961 affected homes, but some residents didn't see electric light again until 6 p.m., Henne said.
Henne, a 36-year veteran of the company, said wildlife often cause problems, but the crow incident is a new one on him.
-- Safer (BuggedOutOf@lanta.Duh), December 01, 1999
Now THIS is serious. The Crow Brigade is in cahoots with the Squirrel King and his troops. We were warned there would be terrorist acts. It has begun.
-- Linda (lwmb@psln.com), December 01, 1999.
I've just had another batch of photos developed...
-- Colin MacDonald (roborogerborg@yahoo.com), December 01, 1999.
Crows and Squirrels...bah! You should live where I live. The cockroaches I've been warring with all summer have recently been massing their troops under my fridge. They have been eyeballing my preps recently. Jeff (my cat) has been standing guard during the days I am at work, but I fear that he may be overwhelmed when the big push begins. At nights, whilst I lay awake, I can almost hear them conspiring against me, their squeaky little voices plotting...making terrible plans...I pray to God that I will be ready...And then there are the rats....
-- Ludi (ludi@rollin.com), December 01, 1999.
ROFLMAO! hey Ludi, are you old enough to remember Zap! comix? they had a funny cartoon, Kommander Roach and his Cockroach Army. The cat (Fat freddies cat) used to catch and eat the roaches in the kitchen, and the Kommander used to be watching through his binonculars while the cat did this. He'd say "Bah!-there"s millions of them!"...too funny!
-- zog (zzoggy@yahoo.com), December 01, 1999.
I'm old enough, but I only read a few of them...they were great though! I don't remember the one about the roaches, but it does sound similar to my current situation...perhaps it's one of them thar "memes" floating around!Did R. Crumb illustrate some of those?
-- Ludi (ludi@rollin.com), December 01, 1999.