Yet another schizophrenic elec/power article. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

U.S. Utilities Believe Y2K Victory Near

This late in the game: Aside from a terrorist attack on an electric grid or a massive case of overconfidence, nothing can go wrong, industry experts say, while keeping their fingers crossed just in case.

-- lisa (, November 29, 1999


Oooh, ouch, Hoff.

-- lisa (, November 29, 1999.

"``The electric utility industry is Y2K ready. It is not an engineering problem any more, it is a people problem,'' said John Castagna, a spokesman for the Edison Electric Institute, which represents U.S. investor-owned utilities."

Let the begin!!! The swine. He's gonna have a 'people problem' too, when the irate mobs drag him from his bed after being without power for a few weeks...

-- Billy Boy (, November 29, 1999.

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