Where to get bulk dried fruits?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread |
We've basically finished our preps, but want to finish off by getting dried fruits like Dates, Figs, Raisins, etc. These items last a long time, and the kids love them. Anyone know of good sources for these items?Thanks in advance everyone!
Lou (still preparing)
-- lou (lanny1@ix.netcom.com), November 28, 1999
You might want to check out Sam's Club if you have one in your area. My husband remembers seeing prunes, apricots, apples, dates and craisins(dried cranberries..rather good too). There may be some I've missed but you'll find out when you get there.beej
-- beej (beej@ppbbs.com), November 28, 1999.
I have found all of the above items and more by just checking the bulk foods section of all the grocers in town and the local health food store bulk area. They run good sales so buy a lot and put in air tight containers.
-- Sammie (sammiex0@hotmail.com), November 28, 1999.
Try www.soybean.com. Good selection of dehydrated fruits, very reasonable, all packaged in mylar bags and packed with oxygen absorbers for long time storage.
-- Tee (teefleur@yahoo.com), November 28, 1999.
A lot of the commercial dried fruits have sulphur on them. It's not terrible if you're not allergic, but it's better without. That said, I've bought raisins and prunes in the regular grocery for Y2K.
-- Mara (MaraWayne@aol.com), November 28, 1999.
We can buy bulk dried fruit, etc., at the local food co-op (natural foods co-op) and generally we get organically grown stuff. We have formed a buying club with friends, so we have, in effect, our own food co-op with no physical storefront, and no markup on the food we buy except enough to cover phonecalls, etc, made by the person who makes the order to the warehouse.
-- Jim (jiminwis@yahoo.com), November 29, 1999.
I second Lumen Foods at soybean.com. Less than one week turnaround right now.
-- Old Git (anon@spamproblems.com), November 29, 1999.