compensating timer : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Can anyone tell me,from experience how the zone vi compesating timer compares to the Metrolux lamp controller? They both seem to made to masure lamp output and adjust time as the output fluctuates. The metrolux looks like a better value according to Calumet any feedback would be appreciated. Larry

-- Larry Shearer (, November 28, 1999


I have not used the Metrolux, but have printed extensively with a freind's Zone VI Compensating Enlarging Timer. It works quite nicely and gives repeatable results. However, when printing in my own darkroom, I do not use a compenstating timer for the enlarger. I simply cannot justify the price since cold light heads will stabilize themselves after a few minutes if you just leave them on. The stabilization problem arises when the lamp is turned on and off a lot. Therefore, I turn on my cold light head (Zone VI, by the way) 10-15 minutes before I begin printing and leave it on for the entire printing session. Exposures are made by removing and replacing the lens cap and timed with a quartz metronome. Using this method, I have had equally repeatable results as with the compensating timer, and, since the life span of a cold light head is extremely long (100,000 hours+) and is actually lengthened by having fewer thermal cycles, I am not worried about wearing it out too soon. I would rather spend the almost $400 on something else. Maybe you would too! Regards, ;^D)

-- Doremus Scudder (, November 29, 1999.

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