cdr's Pioneer 606d dvd player can play : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Just wanted to let anyone out there with this dvd player, that it can read the following cdr if you happen to have it as a vcd. Ok it ONLY so far reads Memorex "blue" bottomed cdrs. The blue bottoms are can be foind as their "audio cdr" line. I tried a zillion other brands/types with no results except for this. Also i have a cdrw that came with my Plextor burner, but i have no idea what brand it is, at any rate it seemd to read this as well. The reason this is being posted is simple. The Pioneer 606d all region was not made to pick up cdrs like the 414 or 525 players. But through trial and error i found that it can at least oread one brand of cdr.

-- Doug F (, November 28, 1999


excuse all the typos in my post, its pretty late...

-- Doug F (, November 28, 1999.

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