Chicken Feed : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Can anyone give me formulas for laying mash? I remember reading several different mixes - depending on the types of grain available - and now can't remember what book I found them in. Thanks in advance.

-- Lynn E. Kahl (, November 24, 1999


Here are some recipes I found in a book:

LAYING FEED 65% grains with at least 2 of barley, corn, milo, oats, wheat 7.5% alfafa meal or ground hay 5% meat scraps, fish meal or cooked soy bean meal 13% dried peas or cooked soybean meal 6% oyster shell or limestone 3% bone meal 1% trace mineral salt 1/2 point cod liver oil per 100 pounds feed

LAYING MIX (a supplement to be mixed into feed) 1 part fenugreek 1 part cayenne pepper 1 part ginger lime (not the citrus, but the mineral, unstated amount) Use two tablespoons to dishpan feed

MORNING MASH 4 measures bran 2 measures corn fine chop 1 measure cut bone 1/2 measure linseed meal salt

-- R. (, November 25, 1999.

After submitting my answer I realized the computer didn't put the seperated lines in which I put in my answers. The Laying Mix should read "1 part ginger (comma) lime". Two seperate things.

-- R. (, November 25, 1999.

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