Scottish Power Compliant but issues : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Scottish Power who own some of the local utilities in S England say they are committed through diligence and contingency plans to be y2k ready, but due to its reliance on suppliers and contractors SP is unable to warrant or guarantee etc that no problems will arise with the supply of any service etc etc "but this statement does not affect your statutory rights!" presumably the US utilities have been issuing disclaimers like mad
-- dick of the dale (, November 24, 1999
Scottish power also owns several major utilities on the west coast. They bought them this past year. gonna be cold, cold, cold.
-- very very cold (, November 24, 1999.
Scottish power also owns several major utilities on the west coast. They bought them this past year. gonna be cold, cold, cold. lynne
-- very very cold (, November 24, 1999.
Yeah Lynne, Cascadia sold out to them, crazy crazy crazy
-- Ashton & Leska in Cascadia (, November 24, 1999.
SP has taken over our power here in Idaho. For the last two weeks or so our light dim on and off several times a day. Some times it cut off then back on. Yesterday the power went off for about three hours.Although I have tried to prepare(even getting a 10,000 watt generator)it make you have a funny feeling knowing that you can't prepare for every thing or for every body.
We had to stop our work because of the lack of power; give you time to ponder what it might be like if this was a perment condition. Wonder how soon it would be before all the cars going up and down the highways would stop. Can't pump gas, businesses closed down. It wouldn't take long.
With the free time I built a sun oven ( and to my delight the thing did a great job.
Good luck to all
-- Lyle (, November 24, 1999.