Our neighborhood added a generator . . .greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
While walking the dog around the school across the street, I noticed a generator has been placed next to the transformers. the whole area is (and has been) enclosed with a 6-7 foot fence.I know I never saw it there before. Schools just usually tough it out when there is no power.
I wonder why they have one now ? ? ? ?
Personally, I have thought for a while that the schools would be used for area help and shelter with food brought in from the Sr. and Jr. high school cafeterias.
Ah . . . .what we aren't being told we can deduce with our eyes!
-- Same as B4 (NWPhotog@FOxcomm.net), November 19, 1999
Hmmmm. Which school district might that be? Or if you prefer, which county?
-- (formerly known at nobody@nowhere.ntt), November 19, 1999.
Last yr I was living in Irving Tx and working in a Jr. High school there. Sometime around April or May the Red Cross came into the school and totally assessed it for a shelter for Y2K and they told us exactly what it was for. So yes...the schools will be used for that purpose.
-- Xschoolemploy (NetDevL@aol.com), November 19, 1999.
King county - Northshore District
-- Same as b4 (MY_wife-is-tired-of-all-this@home.com), November 19, 1999.
-- vg (a@dd.com), November 22, 1999.