Does anyone know if there is such a thing as powdered lactose free milk? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread |
I have a 3 yr. old granddaughter who is lactose intolerant. I have not seen anything on a powdered form of this. I would not want to have to freeze her milk for her for an extended time, if it's not available. Thank you in advance for any info. Karen
-- Karen (, November 18, 1999
Karen, I don't know the answer to your question, but I am lactose intolerant myself. I am stocking up on lactaid pills so I can eat/drink some of the dairy products I have stored. I am also stocking up on rice and soy milk in the cartons that do not have to be refrigerated. Hope this helps. Nicki
-- Nicki (, November 18, 1999.
There are powdered soy and rice milks available: try your local health food store or the milk alternatives section of your grocery store. The only one I've tried is called "better than milk," which I've even been able to purchase in mainstream supermarkets like Giant. It ain't bad. The company has a web site at and they can tell you if there is a store near you that stocks their product.Another idea are the single-serving, shelf-stable boxes of soy and rice milk. Edensoy and (I think) Soy Dream and Rice Dream are available this way. It solves the problem of refrigeration that comes with buying the regular-size shelf-stable boxes. I couldn't resist $11 per case for this at my local health food store, though, so I'm going to rely on the winter weather to keep it from skunking if I don't finish the box after I open it. The shelf life for unopened boxes is quite long.
Good idea to keep dry on hand, though, too: it's economical and it's also more compact to store.
-- chook (, November 18, 1999.
Try Nutramil, it's a milk alternative, they shouldhave the info at
-- Tony (, November 19, 1999.
I apologize for a typo, it's Nutrimil at
-- Tony (, November 19, 1999.
"heaven on Earth" soy milk poweder is available from Lumen Foods Lake Charles LA. 12oz soy powder makes one gallon liquid. I put 2oz powder to 20 oz cold milk in blender. Good!! 8oz li I bought a few 12oz packs to try it. We like it. I bouhgt a 30 lb net bucket.
-- Vlad (, November 19, 1999.
"Heaven on Earth" soy milk powder is available from Lumen Foods Lake Charles LA. 12oz soy powder makes one gallon liquid. I put 2oz powder to 20 oz cold water in blender. Good!! 8oz liquid has 90 calories 13 protein grams, 7 carbohydrate grams. I bought a few 12oz packs to try it. We like it. I bought a 30 lb net wt bucket. Two sealed mylar bags 15 lb powder each. 30lb powder makes 40 gallons liquid. $95 FOB Lake Charles come to about $2.40 a gallon liquid. It works for us.
-- Vlad (, November 19, 1999.
I hasten to add Heaven on Earth soy milk powder contains tofu powder extract, fructose, guar gum
-- Vlad (, November 19, 1999.
Karen,I just recieved my order for Tofu Delight(milk alternative) from www.bluechipgroup.comThey have Kosher facility,which to me is a plus.The Tofu Delight is made for those that are lactose intolerant.The price for 50 pounds is $95.72,you can order a smaller amount.It took about 8 days after ordering to recieve my order.I wish I had found this place when I first started prepping.The prices are really good.Check out the prices for the potato's and whole powdered eggs.
When you get to the web site,click Trophic's best for info on the lactose free Tofu Delight.
-- Maggie (, November 20, 1999.