How the heck do you cook a turkey? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
And do you know any specifics about donating turkeys to Loaves and Fishes? Have you ever served at a food kitchen over the holidays, or donated groceries or money?
-- Anonymous, November 18, 1999
OK, flier in hand. They need 200 turkeys, (cooked and sliced) I wouldn't worry about going over, as they are very inventive with leftovers. 300 cooked pies gallon sizes of apple juice 1000 new socks (one size fits all)Delivery at the warehouse, 1321 N C Saturday and Sunday 10-3 (am I good, or what?)
Monday 7-4 Tuesday 6-9
We're involved with St. Philomene's Sharing God's Bounty, which has actually been around longer than L&F. This is a Tuesday night soup kitchen, no means test for the guests, and a sit-down dinner. And long ago we decided that we wouldn't make them pray for their supper.
It started with about 50 guests and now has about 300 a week with more at the end of the month. L&F just served their 300th meal and we just celebrated 15 years in January.
I used to serve, and spent one week a month on hospitality, just eating with the guests. This is enlightening. I wanted to shout "not me, I don't really belong here." Nowadays, it's just Rich out with "parking patrol" which is really security, stopping trouble before it starts.
We've had a baby delivered there, and one or two fights which needed the cops, but not a bad record for over 15 years!
-- Anonymous, November 18, 1999
The phone number is 446-0874, in case there are questions.And Leonids, Shmeonids. Maybe in 33 years.
-- Anonymous, November 18, 1999
I just watched the Good Eats episode on Thanksgiving yesterday, and I think that method would be good. The recipe is at: (and if that doesn't work, go to, then recipes, then Good Eats. Actually, do that every week anyways for the new recipes).
-- Anonymous, November 18, 1999