Dealer has sold or rented every generator in stock : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

There have been, a various times, discussions on generator purchases. Are they an indication of "getting it?" "Has the rush started"?

Someone in North Carolina might report a complete absence of generators at their Home Depot, while someone in Kansas reported them a drug on the market.

Yesterday, I learned first-hand about their sudden popularity. While attending an industry tour of a company here in East Texas that builds and sells generators, mainly for oilfield applications, but also for home use, the company owner told our group that every genset he has is either rented (for the rollover) or has been sold.

He doesn't have a single one. Many of them are for municipal use, but many more are for home use, he said. And, he identified the reason as Y2K. No if, ands or buts.

There is a segment of awareness out there, and this anecdotal offering serves to buttress that argument.

I've noticed, too, of late that some who formerly scoffed at serious Y2K disruptions are not quite so adamant as they were six months ago. I think awareness is building; it's just too late.

-- Vic (, November 17, 1999


"it's just too late." Y2K in a nutshell. Awarenenss too late, repairs started too late, preps started too late, etc.

-- Ken Seger (, November 17, 1999.

2 Home Depots in my area still have lots of generators, up to 10kw and including Generac XL style.

people in my area don't buy generators UNTIL the power goes out.
however, I did notice something odd today:

MOST of the 4 pallets of Kerosene Heaters were GONE

These are the wicked kerosene heaters. Home Depot has NEVER had these at the store before (in my area)

I go to Home Depot almost every day, when these things first arrived, I noticed that they also had a pallet of those 5gal containers of kerosene (for $17.95!)
There appeared to a ratio of 1/1 on the heaters to how many 5gal containers of kerosene on hand.
this was last week.

NOW, there are 9 heaters left and about 6 containers of Kerosene. there's a gas station in town where you can pump kerosene for $1.69.

It's 55 degrees outside right now. I don't know who is buying these, but I HAVE usually seen at least ONE person with one of these heaters in their plastic cart each time I visit the Home Despot. I seem to notice and equal number of woman and men pushing the carts.

they aren't buying generators, but they're buying heaters.

Another thing I noticed was the contractor's supply shop where I rent stuff occassionaly is a HONDA generator dealer.

They seemed to have a bunch of new Honda generators ready to sell and rent. I asked them if anyone had "reserved" any for the rollover and they said "No". Nothing.
I asked my guy if anyone was buying generators, "No more than usual" was the response.

well, that's my local report from Chicago.

-- plonk! (, November 17, 1999.

We saw a display of generators the other day, and the prices were astronomical. There were only three of them in evidence, though.

-- Liz Pavek (, November 22, 1999.

As of Friday 10/19, every one of 3 hardware stores (2 ace, true value), and 3 lumber yards (menards, 2 home depot) that I checked, had generators. Also, again as of Friday, Hardy Diesel ( had their smaller 2.3kw diesel sale priced at $1099 - delivered to the dock of your nearest Yellow Freight terminal.

Who know's what's happening today, after the kind of pathetic movie last night... But, if you have local shortages, check out other areas. Heck, you might want to visit the Milwaukee area for your holiday shopping.

Good luck. jh

-- john hebert (, November 22, 1999.

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