My last trip to Sam's for the year : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

Tomorrow will be my last trip to Sam's for the year. After two years of steadily preparing it has finally come to an end. I can't do anymore. It has taken me two years to get where I am today and I wish I had found out about y2k sooner. How on earth will anyone be prepared who is just starting other than a little food put by? I can almost feel their fear and desperation when and if they do Get It before the New Year. How would you feel if you just now realized just how bad it could be? I hope nothing jars the masses to prepare because it would be a tragedy beyond measure. My shopping trip tomorrow will be for bulk foods to distribute to the desperate or donate to a food bank.

-- Carol (, November 16, 1999


My SAM's club has food stocked up to the ceiling (two stories), pallets and pallets of it. I can't imagine it turning that much food over every three days. I'll probably be going shopping in January.

-- Amy Leone (, November 17, 1999.

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