Preacher/Evangelsit as : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread |
Here's one for ya: What do you think about the "paid professionals," i.e. preacher, evangelist, youth minister, CE Director, music minister, etc., serving as an elder of their congregation? Pro's and cons ... biblical if possible, but I would also like to know your opinions on the matter.Darrell H Combs
-- Anonymous, November 15, 1999
Dittos to Scott!
-- Anonymous, November 20, 1999
I don't have any problem with the concept, unless it is an automatic "perk" of the position. If a man in one of those positions is otherwise qualified as an elder, and if the congregation recognizes him as such, then great. It should be taken on a person- by-person basis, and not just come automatically with the job.Biblical comments. There aren't any that address the particular question, because the "paid ministry as vocation" is mostly a post-NT development.
-- Anonymous, November 15, 1999
I Timothy 5:17 (NIV) says "The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching". Sounds like it was typical that preachers were picked out from among the elders to me.A church I attended and served with until late 1997 had a minister who was also an elder. He was really more of a paid elder, being that his ministry was visitation of the sick and griefing. I never did ask anyone if he was a minister who was made an elder or an elder added to the staff.
-- Anonymous, November 16, 1999
As I see it, the above post is backwards. It is the Elder that is giving himself over to "extra" work. Since one of the responsibilities of an Elder is to be a teacher, it is only natural that he would get into preaching and such. That does not make him an evangelist anymore than an evangelist becomes an Elder when he pastors. Jesus gave 4 offices of leadership to the Church in Eph. 4. Two were givers of truth and two are teachers of that truth. I do not see them mixed. Also, mutual accountability gets fuzzy when someone tries to hold both offices.
-- Anonymous, November 16, 1999
There is an excellent article in the December issue of the Restoration Herald called "Somebody Else is Building." I believe it to be a must read concerning the whole issue of Leadership.
-- Anonymous, November 27, 1999
Scott, I have some questions re: what you wrote about the 4 offices mentioned by Paul in Eph. 4. You are talking about apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors/teachers, right? Am I right that "givers of truth" would be apostles and prophets? But most would say those are no longer around. That leaves us entirely with evangelists, and pastors and teachers, collectively, "teachers of that truth". So, how are they completely separate? My current understanding is that the difference is that an evangelist comes in from outside for a limited time to spur spiritual growth, and that pastors/teachers grow up from within to stay and support continued growth and expansion into the community. Help me to understand your position. Thanks!
-- Anonymous, December 30, 1999