SEC SEARCH THREAD, best sites to search for 10 - Q filings : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Well here is an interesting project.

I think that the SEC forms provide information that could be important. While the disclosures are vague there maybe a chance at developing industry profiles. The trouble is that different sites sort the disclosures in different ways.

So here are a few links and explanations on how to search for the information you want.

The first site for up to date SEC filings is Yahoo but the site is erratic, only keeps a certain amount on at any given time but usually has a edited version that always includes the Y2K disclosures and the new filings updated as they come. As some of the filings are huge so having them edited is helpful if you are on a slower comp.

SEC Filings (Day - weekly)

The SEC has its own Edgar data base where you can find out the details of it. Very informative and fast site. This is my favorite page on the site. But it is not updated as fast as Yahoo. Weird

You have to choose the filing you want (10 - Q) and the company you want. Be warned that they can be over a Meg in size. Use your "find" on the browser to look for "Year 2000".

 EDGAR Form Pick (By Company)

If it is important to know who the biggest in a specific industry is try this Price Waterhouse site. It is a real gem for categories as it lists companies by size. But it is REALLY slow and with a Meg file I do not have the patience to wait for it to dribble in. Great idea but terrible bandwidth to pull the file. Usually I put the largest companies through the Edgar link above to pull the files.

 Standard Industrial Classifications

10K wizard is the best IMHO on the net to search for SEC disclosures. You can also search here by industry, date, and file but they come up by the newest not the biggest. So if you are like me and don't know who is important and who is not then digging is in order. Otherwise if you know the industry you are searching for this is one great site.

 10k Wizard: Filings Main Page

While this doesn't search SEC files it is a good reference to the largest companies in the world.

 Fast-Track 500 Listings 1-100

Yardeni's site has a Y2K disclosure page but it didn't ring my bell. For someone that is new checking them out this might be a good stop.

 SEC Disclosures Dr. Ed Yardeni's Economics Network

Hopefully this will help the dutiful researcher in there quest for 10 - Q Y2K disclosures. Don't think you will find a better set of links on the net and if you know of one Please post it :o)

Also if you have a knack for this kind of thing and have advice I am sure that alot of folks would find it informitive. This is not my field (not much is).

-- Brian (, November 15, 1999


Well if you have the rest of your life here is a whole lot of information about Y2K and business.

All Y2K filings should be measured against Motorola. IMHO the best disclosure going.

 MOTOROLA INC - (Year 2000 Disclosure) Quarterly Report (SEC form 10-Q) August 3rd

Most of these are from the summer. Lots of corps by category (mine)

A long list of SEC Filings

Some of the more recent

 NEW YORK TIMES Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure (Brian,, 1999-11-15)

 Mobil Y2K disclosure (Brian,, 1999-11-15)

 BOEING CO Y2K disclosure For the optimists (Brian,, 1999-11- 15)

 BRISTOL MYERS Y2K disclosure SQUIBB CO (Brian,, 1999-11-14)

 AMRESCO Y2K disclosure (This is for Ken Decker :o) (Brian,, 1999-11-14)

 CONSOLIDATED NATURAL GAS CO (Egads) Y2K disclosure (Brian,, 1999-11- 14)

 MATTEL INC - intellectual property rights and Y2K?? (Brian,, 1999-11-14)

  ENRON --- This one will make your hair stand on end !

 ****Chevron 10 - Q Y2K disclosure****

 Sample Y2K disclosure 3Q (1999) from 3Com.

And some older threads and commentary

 SEC Y2K Disclosures Oil Industry (Quotes)

 SEC y2k Disclosures and the Health Industries. (Quotes)

 SEC Y2K disclosures and the Retail Corps. (Quotes)

A look at Lucent Technology's product readiness statements (PD,, 1999-10-15)

LEHMAN BROTHERS HOLDINGS INC (Oct 99)- Quarterly Report (SEC form 10-Q)

-- Brian (, November 15, 1999.

I've just read that ENRON disclosure, and it's absolutely superb. It shows they have a clear understanding of the problem, and know how to *actually* deal with it, as opposed to just being able to claim they are free of bugs. It's not perfect, but it's way better than the "All is well" saccharine reports dribbling from the PR orifices of other companies.

It really begs the question of why all disclosures can't be this specific - and therefore credible.

-- Colin MacDonald (, November 15, 1999.


Brian! Buddy! My eyes are going to bleed by the time I get done reading all of this!

I'll never be ready for the meeting in 1 1/2 days.

-- Laura (, November 15, 1999.


Yes I would say that the Enron folks Get It. Same with Chevron but Texaco and Mobil provide little in consern.


Eyes bleed?? you had better get that looked at. Mine just dry up :o)

-- Brian (, November 15, 1999.

Here is an interesting thread on CSY2K started by Paul Milne but gets into SEC filings and comments from Scott Secor on the foolishness of false reporting.

Interestingly enough Paul copied and pasted a post on a thread from Fractal.

Thread: How my Company Fixed Y2K, November 15, 1999.

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