Regarding Electricity Generation and Distribution 101 : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Over a period of several days, Malcolm Taylor posted a series on the topic of:

Electricity Generation and Distribution 101

It is a basic discussion of the subject, along with some Q&A, and may be of interest to those who would like a not too technical view of electrical utility nuts and bolts from someone in the business.

While Malcolm indicates that he is a "polly" in his circumstances, his posts in that thread seem to be basic descriptions of how things work, not some form of pr spin.

I would like to encourage those who may be interested, but who may have missed the thread, or who may have looked at it before it was completed, to give it a read.


-- Jerry B (, November 12, 1999


-- Jerry B (, November 12, 1999.

Jerry, Many thanks for your comments. I have received a few questions from various people via email, which I have tried to answer. However as I am not as familiar with the USA grid as some other regular posters here, it may be best if questions were directed through the public forum. The original thread is still alive, but I note that there have been no new questions there for a couple of days.


-- Malcolm Taylor (, November 13, 1999.

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