6x6 roll film backs for 2x3 Horseman?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I have a horseman VHR 2x3 camera and am interested in shooting some square (6x6) transparencies to use in a projector. Does anyone make a 6x6 back for a 2x3 camera? I have heard there is a graflex back in 120 and maybe in 220 size that is 6x6.
-- Ray Fenio (rfenio@indiana.edu), November 11, 1999
The best roll film backs I've used are the Horsemans. I don't believe they ever made a 6x6, but I know they made 6x7 and 6x9. If memory serves me, Mamiya backs will fit as well. I don't know if M ever made 6x6 backs for the RB. Somehow, I doubt they did. The Graflex backs will work as well and I have seen scores of them at camera shows in all sizes. Good Luck.
-- Robert A. Zeichner (razeichner@ameritech.net), November 12, 1999.
Graflex 6x6 backs work ok and are really cheap compared to the 6x7 and 6x9 backs.
-- John Hicks (jbh@magicnet.net), November 12, 1999.