Do your animals try to eat each other? : LUSENET : ordinary ups + downs : One Thread

Come on, you can tell me. Cat missing an ear? Is your hamster a little lighter after he lost his tail?

Seriously, has any one had a similar problem?

-- Christine (, November 08, 1999


Umm, I've been informed that hamsters do not have tails.

-- Christine (, November 08, 1999.

My animals are all pretty friendly to each other, but they are all of the same species. But once in a while a fight erupts over which one has which toy and sometimes they draw blood.

But I did see something funny that made me think of you and Bailey. A "Bat Dog" costume on the Warner Brothers site. If you hurry it was on sale for $3USD. It would be a hoot!


-- Colleen (, November 08, 1999.

We have a cat, a grey tabby stray...we adopted her with a piece of balogna about six years ago, and she goes out every night of the year. Every night, regardless of what she's seen on the Weather Network. If she doesn't go out when we go to bed, she wants to go at 2:00am and lets the entire household know of her wishes. As a result, I'm sure she has had many encounters with the neighbourhood night prowlers, evidenced by the scars across her forhead and her tattered ears. The best, of course, is the puffy infections she gets from the swipes of her opponents that I end up cleaning to avoid getting it all over the couch later on. During one particularly nasty draining of a recently acquired festering slice, along with the usual nasty green stuff, out popped an entire CLAW...

-- Michael (, November 08, 1999.

I have four boy cats, and two of them take turns kicking the ass of our "momma's boy" cat, Spanky.

With a name like that, though, what else can you expect?

-- Robyn (, November 22, 1999.

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