anybody else receive a letter from their propane supplier : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Today I received a letter from my East TN propane supplier to the effect that they were converting all "will-call" customers to "routed customers." The letter notes "an unusually high number of requests from our routed customers for additional deliveries just before the y2k date of 12-31-99." As of now, all their customers (including me!) will be on "a specific delivery schedule calculated by our computerized degree day system."

-- Les Holladay (, November 08, 1999


Propane co. came and filled our tank today. I was talking to the driver and he said that we were lucky that we got our huge tank over the summer this year. He said that they have a waiting list to get delivery of the big ones, and that their installer is putting in three a day, they are even putting tanks in where there is no house, but a place to park an RV or a trailer. Evidently there are plenty of folks who are prepping, and not talking about it.

-- (formerly known as nobody@nowhere.ner), November 08, 1999.

It's starting .......

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, November 08, 1999.

I live in south west Missouri,there is a six week waiting period for the 250 gal propane tanks.

-- Maggie (, November 08, 1999.

Just got a propane water heater last week. They wouldn't give us a 250, period. Gave us two 120s, side by side, though. No will-call either, strictly automatic-refill. None of the suppliers would consider a 250 tank; these were the only ones who would accommodate us. Glad we found them.

Now I'm just hoping the wood guy gets here soon...

-- Arewyn (, November 09, 1999.

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