MILLENIOS! ...stock up now! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

General Mills is trying to capitalize on the Millenium (no mention of Y2K) by introducing an off-shoot of CHERRIOS called "MILLENIOS".

I actually saw a double-bag box of this stuff at Sams Club today. It was not at the local grocery store.

General Mills website only has one mention of MILLENIOS and they direct you to an EBAY site where you can bid on boxes of it signed by celebrities.

I looked but there are no boxes signed by Paul Milne, Ed Yourdon, Charles Reuben, John Koskinen, Cory Hamasaki, Senator Bennett, Gary North, Stan Faryna, Howard Belasco, Lane Core Jr., DD, Bradley K. Sherman, or Jo Anne Slaven.

-- plonk! (, November 06, 1999


here's the link to the Ebay site, for those of you with nothing better to do:


-- plonk! (, November 06, 1999.

Screw "Milennios", I am stocking up on "Quisp". I was brought up on the stuff and its hard to find even before the rollover. I can only find them at so i want to buy a ton before the New Year.

Captain Crunch is another good barter item. :->

-- hamster (, November 07, 1999.

let me know if you find any "QUAKE" cereal...

-- plonk! (, November 08, 1999.

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