free on-line y2k survival : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread |
Since summer I have been posting the URL for my printable flyers for distribution during Y2k disruptions . These were excerpted from a longer work, which is now finished (all 120 pages of it) and available for the web at Y2k free report . Please feel free to pass this news along to other lists or forums where it would be appropriate.
-- robert waldrop (, November 05, 1999
WOW...incredibly well done! If I know of someone who decides maybe they SHOULD try to prepare afterall, your url is where I'll send them.beej
-- beej (, November 05, 1999.
THIS IS GREAT! I'm printing them off to give to my GI family. They GI, but haven't bothered to get a book on how to do any of this! Thanks so much for this!
-- Jo Ann (, November 06, 1999.