Consumer Reports does bubbly! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

In descending order of quality:

Piper-Heidsieck, Brut, $28

Moet & Chandon, Brut Imperial, $35

Mumm, Cordon Rouge, Brut, $27

Taittinger, La Francaise, Brut, $35

Domaine Carneros by Taittinger, Brit, 1993, A BEST BUY, $20

Moet et Chandon, a Epernay Cuvee Dom Perignon, 1992, $115

Piper Sonoma. Select Cuvee, Brut, $16

Moet & Chandon, Brut Imperial, 1993, $41

Perrier-Jouet, Brut, $32

and 11 others

They didn't do the one we like, J. Roget, extra dry, probably because it's only about $3-4/bottle! But it's the only one under $30 that doesn't give us a headache.

-- Old Git (, November 04, 1999


I noticed that Cook's was also missing...

-- Mad Monk (, November 04, 1999.

Cristal is missing from this list... tsk, tsk. It's tops on mine. I also have a soft spot for Chandon Blanc de Noirs, our wedding champagne.

Now, WHAT exactly is the y2k relevance here? Oh yes, stockpiling... would that I hasd more of this and less BEANS!


-- Sara Nealy (, November 05, 1999.

MM. hate to tell you but Cook's was at the bottom of the list. . .

-- Old Git (, November 05, 1999.

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