Futures Trading....Anyone else working the Guarino method?

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Is anyone else trying to "short" the Dow using the Nick Guarino methods?

If so, how ya doin???


Bobby......yes, was ahead until the incredible "spin" lies last week and got wiped out of two months profit. Of course, I was the "monkey with his fist in the jar". If you understand that, we will get along great!! Hope to hear from someone.

-- Bob Cadle (bobby1776@earthlink.net), November 04, 1999


1) No.

2) Are you perchance assuming that the stock market is acting in a somewhat rational manner?

3) Does anyone else have an idea of how to invest in today's market...in a manner that will yield a modicrum of security? I'm in money market funds...short term.

4) Any ideas of when to get in after rollover?

-- Mad Monk (madmonk@hawaiian.net), November 05, 1999.

Hello Mad.....I can relate...


No, I do not know YET what or when or if to "come back in" after the rollover. Or if the markets will be functional, for that matter.

The problem with being on the side of right, or on the side of time tested fundamentals, as Nick Guarino digs for, evaluates, and advises, is that those who would continue to build a worthless bubble of hyper inflated stocks are the very ones who can manipulate reports, take reports that are favorable for a drop in the Dow, and "spin" it in a way that the paid for talking heads on all of the "sophisticated" financial shows churn people right into the market despite evidence that is overwhelmingly showing a Dow of 6000 or under is more realistic, as Greenspan knows, and the leaders with good sense (?) all around the world know.

Problem? No one wants the blame for collapsing what must collapse. Political posturing, protecting their "man in the white house" is the over riding goal, not to be truthful.

No, I do not believe that the Dow has acted in any rational manner whatsoever. Remember, it has long been said, by people in the know, that there is an anti plunge fund that is used to shore back up the markets for political reasons and , let's be honest, there are many ways that the present occupants of high Federal office have demonstrated that would strike fear in the hearts of anyone trying to be truthful to the American people.

So, I have placed orders according to what should....chart wise and common sense wise...have gone down. It goes up. And here's another serious problem that did not used to exist. With "overnight" trading on the Dow plus the manipulations done by political agents, you can go to bed with a close of Dow 10600 and wake up to a Dow 10800.

Even if you have set "reasonable " stops, say at 10650, you can wake up to having been stopped at 10800 instead. That's fifteen hundred dollars a contract. Not a good sight before (or after) breakfast.

Also, this is my opinion, traders after hours...overseas traders...still believe that the USA is the only source of stability in the world and they are not privy to the same information that we can DIG out here. Therefore, they are still buying on yesterdays news and it is throwing off systems that were more consistent before the overnight trading threw a monkey wrench into things. My opinion, can't prove it.

Have you subscribed to Martin Weiss' newsletter or sent for the three hour uncut video of the "y2k and money conference"? I just did today.

Thanks again for posting.

WiserBob (but down 6 big ones)

-- Bob Cadle (bobby1776@earthlink.net), November 05, 1999.

The time to short the market with indexes was from Sept. 2000 to April 2001, when they bottomed out. They reacted with "irrational exhuberance" from then until now, not including the weeks around sept 11th. Now they're heading down again. I suggest, by your choice, you short markets since the trend is your friend, which is down now. Don't nickel and dime your account out of funds by trying to guess peaks. Put it in and leave it or average in as Nick suggests, to lessen the effects when bear market rallies put the brakes on our shorts. I suggest funds like the Rydex RYTPX and RYVNX that double-short the NASDAQ 100 and the S&P 500. I calculated that had I funded each of these with $1,000.00 in Sept of 2000, that by April 2001, I would have had $12,000.00. People who don't watch the market lose because the controlled media and casio of Wallstreet will not tell the truth. One thing I learned is that markets do what I think but a lot slower than I thought, so don't jump the gun.

-- Mr. Private (irredeemabletokens@yahoo.com), January 23, 2002.

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